“February 2023 Worship Team”
Rev. Dennis Blauser, Interim Pastor
Sunday School at 9:30am
One service at 11:00am
724 981-2050
February 5th
Rev. Dennis Blauser, officiating
James Antel-Assisting
Elaine Madasz-Reader
Isabel Faber-Acolyte
February 12th
Rev. Dennis Blauser, officiating
Cynthia Kapusta-Assisting
Bill Spon-Reader
Eli Ruffo-Acolyte
February 19th
Rev. Dennis Blauser, officiating
William Spon-Assisting
Ruth Klein-Reader
Makayla Foltz-Acolyte
February 26th
Rev. Dennis Blauser, officiating
Ronald Tomko-Assisting
Bill Spon-Reader
Seth Kuchmak-Acolyte
Ash Wednesday is on February 22nd this year and Holy Trinity is privileged to be hosting this very special service here at 7:00pm. Rev. Blauser will be leading us in this very special Lenten service. Ron Tomko will be assisting him. So mark your calendar and come join us.
The new 2023 Flower Charts are up on the wall in Narthex and are posted for the Standard and the Altar. The cost is still only $15.00 which are made by Palo’s and a beautiful way to remember a person or event. Please be sure to stop by and fill in those special dates before they get taken. Thank you
Please don’t forget to check out our website, www.holytrinityhermitagepa.com. It has many interesting things concerning our church. Thank you to Chuck Foltz who continually updates it for us.
Please note that your yearly statements for 2022 are ready for pick up. We want to thank Sheila Susen for all her hard work recording and printing all our statements and getting them ready for us to take. If you have any questions about your statement, call Sheila at 724 971-8958 and she will be happy to help you. 1Thank you so very much Sheila for your time and talents. You are most certainly
“The Best of the Best!”
it every
Jesus Calling
By Sarah Young
Let my presence override everything you experience. Like a luminous veil of Light, I hover over you and everything around you. I am training you to stay conscious of Me in each situation you encounter.
When the patriarch Jacob ran away from his enraged brother, he went to sleep on a stone pillow in a land that seemed desolate. But after dreaming about heaven and angels and promises of my Presence, he awoke and exclaimed: “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” His discovery was not only for him but for all who seek Me. Whenever you feel distant from Me, say, “Surely the Lord is in this place!” then ask Me to give you awareness of My Presence. This is a prayer that I delight to answer.
Psalm 31:20; Genesis 28:11-16
Thank you, Karen, this is great!!!
February Sunday School News
Our special project this month is making Valentine cards for the homebound members of the congregation. We look forward to this project every year and hope our cards brighten the day of those that receive them!
We are all excited about our Valentine’s Day party on Feb. 12th during Sunday School. Sharing Valentine’s cards and treats with our friends is always a fun time. We will also be making a heart themed craft and enjoying heart themed snacks to celebrate the day.
The Sunday School teachers have been busy preparing the weekly lessons. Along with the video and bible story each week, the teachers each plan their own extra activity to enhance their lesson. We have made crafts, played games, used balloon slingshots to knock Goliath down, and made temples out of blocks and Legos. Every week is a new and fun Bible adventure!
Upcoming Important Dates
Valentine’s Day Party is February 12th
First Communion classes begin on
March 5th for our second graders
Easter Egg Hunt & Party is Saturday, 04/01
First Communion and Palm Processional is Palm Sunday, April 2nd
Easter Sunday, April 9th,
New Acolyte training begins for 5th graders on April 16th
God Bless,
Dorcas News…
Dorcas meeting was held Monday January 16, 2023 at 1:00pm with 10 members present. Pastor Blauser was welcomed as a guest.
Hostesses were Ruth Klein and Sandy Kimpan. Devotions were read by Cathy Haywood.
Minutes were read and approved with a correction-The $500.00 donation offered by Dorcas towards a new computer for the administrative assistant’s office was declined. Dorcas was told it was not necessary since Chuck Foltz brought in a used computer to be used.
Treasurer’s report read and approved.
Thank you’s were read from Aware, Meals on Wheels, Salvation Army, Joshua’s Haven, Community Food Warehouse, The Herald Good News Fund, and ECLA for Christmas Donations.
The Dorcas Christmas Party December 4th was fun with good food and fellowship.
Updates were given on Home-Bound members.
The new pantry has been ordered from the Amish and should be installed sometime in March. It will have cupboards and drawers for easier access.
Due to ever increasing food prices, Dorcas voted to raise prices on food items. Motion was made by Sandy Kimpan and Ruth Klein seconded. Motion passed
Cooked Stuffed Cabbage 1 doz. $18.
½ doz. $9.00
Uncooked Stuffed Cabbage 1 doz. $17.
½ doz. $8.50
Halushki Quart $7.00 Pint $3.50
Nut/Apricot Horns 1 doz. $8.00
½ doz. $4.00
Twists $7.00
Donuts 1 doz. $10.00 ½ doz. $5.00
A single one-$1.00
Soup Quart $8.00
Apple Squares $7.00
Nutroll when available $10.00
Dorcas will again be selling Philadelphia Candy for Easter. Order forms will be available sometime in February. More info to come.
Dorcas will be having a take out only Soup Sale after services on Sunday February 12, 2023. Cost is $8.00 per quart. A workday is planned for Saturday, February 11. Orders and donations of ingredients can be given to any Dorcas member and will be greatly appreciated.
The annual GBU Chicken Dinner will be Sunday, March 12 and is again take out only. Workday is planned for Saturday March 11. More info to come.
Other Dorcas events were discussed including our Election Day Bake Sale May 16 and Rummage Sale August 18, 19 and 26. More info to come on these and other events scheduled for later in the year.
Dorcas asks for any information of people here at Holy Trinity or out in the community who are in need. Pastor Blauser discussed on going needs for assistance in various community outreach programs, especially Meals on Wheels.
Next Dorcas meeting is February 20, 2023 at 1:00pm.
Marlene Zipay will be Hostess.
Motion to adjourn made by Cathy Haywood, Sharon Bryan seconded.
Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Melinda Vellente
The following came to us from
Ruth Klein…
How to curb Habit Snacking
What’s habit snacking anyway? Habit snacking involves anchoring tiny, new, positive steps to other parts of your current routine. It’s like flossing before you brush your teeth or stretching before you exercise. With a little thought, you can make certain habits happen together.
Start by thinking of simple ways to eat more healthfully. You might: add more vegetables and fruit to your plate. Slash the sodium in your diet. Whip up healthier versions of favorite recipes. Avoid or reduce sugar in what you drink.
Next, ask yourself what small steps you can take to work toward these goals. And how can you tie those small steps to things you already do? Thanks Ruth we’ll give it a try.
Here is a no bake recipe from a cookbook made for our church many years ago called “Our Favorite Recipes” from a member, Mildred Bogdan who has passed away. It sounds delicious and most importantly easy. It is called
“No Bake Twinkle Dessert”
What you’ll need:
6 Twinkies, cut lengthwise in half (can also use 1 loaf angel food cake cut into slices)
1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple, drained
1 sm. Instant vanilla pudding (make according to pkg. directions)
1 (8oz.) Cool Whip
Use 8×8-inch pan, place cut side up, top with pineapple (crushed), pudding next layer, refrigerate for 4 hours. This is a small version. Can double.
Here are healthier menu items and terms when ordering out or food delivery.
Skinless chicken, fish or seafood
Nuts or maybe black beans
Whole grain bread, brown rice, pasta
Broth based soup with lots of veggies
Grilled, sauteed, roasted, steamed, baked
Water, sugar free tea or coffee
Ala carte for smaller portions-Good Luck
WHEN PARENTS GET OLD … Let them grow old with the same love that they let you grow …Let them speak and tell repeated stories with the same patience and interest that they heard yours as a child …Let them overcome, like so many times when they let you win …
Let them enjoy their friends just as they let you …Let them enjoy the talks with their grandchildren, because they see you in them …Let them enjoy living among the objects that have accompanied them for a long time, because they suffer when they feel that you tear pieces of this life away …Let them be wrong, like so many times you have been wrong and they didn’t embarrass you by correcting you …
LET THEM LIVE and try to make them happy the last stretch of the path they have left to go; give them your hand, just like they gave you their hand when you started your path! (“Honor your mother and father and your days shall be long upon the earth”.) – God
Thank You Jeff Bindas for sharing this with us.
Just a heads up…
Dorcas will be selling Philadelphia Easter Candy again this Easter. This is just a heads up because we do not have the necessary information such as when the flyers will be available, how much the candy and chocolate bunnies will cost, when the order will have to be submitted and when it will be delivered. All your questions will be answered in a timely manner don’t forget, Easter isn’t until April 9th.
Martin Luther passed away on February 18th, 1546. It will be his heavenly birthday, the day he went to heaven. He died at a young age of 62 and accomplished so very much. He was an Augustinian monk, biblical scholar, translator of the Bible, reformer of the liturgy, theologian, educator, father and beloved husband to just name a few. In Martin’s own judgement, the greatest of all his works was his catechism, written to instruct people in the basics of faith. I was taught the catechism and so was everyone from Grace Lutheran in Farrell. A very wise quote from Martin Luther was…”I have held many things in my hands and I have lost them all, but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.”
What a wise and Godly man he was. I am so very proud to be called a Lutheran.
February 19, 2023
A New, Old Covenant
To his disciples and followers, Jesus must have seemed like someone wholly new and unique. His wisdom and power amazed them and left them wondering about his new teachings and extraordinary authority. As Peter, James, and John join Jesus on the mountain, they see yet another new thing as Jesus is transfigured before them. This experience, however, is not disconnected from God’s past works: Jesus is accompanied by Moses and Elijah, and the disciples hear the voice of God. Jesus’ transfiguration is a new part of the old story of God creating life in the world. As they descend, Jesus points ahead to another unprecedented experience that is to come: his death and resurrection. Change is wrapped up in God’s continuity.
Humans are challenged by change, which seems to be even more present in a world defined by instant-communication channels and headline news. Change is particularly difficult when new ideas or experiences upend our long-held beliefs about the world around us. Change can be even more difficult when such experiences push us to rethink what we believe about God. It is easier to hunker down in the comfort of what we have always known than to admit we our wrong and work to think and live differently.
The amazing thing about God’s story is that it has always encompassed all of who we are and all of the change we have experienced or ever will. God’s grace gathers up everything from the beginning of creation to the promised heavenly feast, and every broken and blessed bit in between, each new covenant consistent with the old. When we gather in confession, we admit that we have been wrong, and we are blessed into newness by the forgiveness found in the words of absolution. The font and table further remind us that God makes all things new, and that God’s continuity holds grace-filled space for our beloved transformation.
Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress.
February 22, 2023
Postures of Prayer
The Ash Wednesday gospel reading is a mixture of the spiritual and the physical. As Jesus cautions his hearers about displays of piety, the spiritual practice of generosity is described in terms of what one’s hands do in the act of giving. Prayer is seen through the physical spaces in which it happens: the street or synagogue versus one’s own room. Fasting is framed through facial expressions, putting oil on one’s head, and washing one’s face.
This weaving together of physicality and spirituality reminds us that we are whole people who bring bodies, minds, and spirits to faith and life. Generosity is a movement, a physical action. Where we pray matters because our bodies are grounded in physical spaces. An airport may prompt a different prayer than a quiet space at home. Our postures of prayer matter, not because there is a right or wrong way to pray, but because our prayers are embodied in our presence. A prayer as one moves about the neighborhood may feel different than a prayer said as one falls asleep.
Our physical postures are part of our piety. Jesus is not critical of piety, but of practicing it for others to see. In worship we share postures, not as a show, but as an embodiment of our communal work of worship.
We dip hands in the font to remember baptism, we share signs of peace, and we extend hands to receive the physical presence of Jesus in bread and wine. It seems like our hearts lead the way, but Jesus suggests that our hearts go where our bodies go—
in our giving, our presence, and our postures of prayer. On this day, when we carry ashes to remind us of our physical frailty, we also carry the promise of resurrection that makes us new and whole again.
Reprinted from Words for Worship,
Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress.Peace starts with a smile
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Karen Blosz and Donna Pavcik for all the wonderful things they do. This isn’t the first time we have acknowledged the specialness of them. Like making everyone they meet feel so important and cared for. Like remembering someone with a special meal or delicious dessert and spreading happiness and joy to everyone they meet. Thank you both for continuing, please know it is not unnoticed. You give others so many smiles! There is no greater gift! Thank You so much. Clearly, you both are…
“The Best of the Best!”
And we are all so happy you belong to us!
A few words from Patty…
Well it is here…my favorite month. The Lord blessed me with a couple snow storms and a month filled with smiles and love. I am going through a rough patch right now because my Molly is sick and my Michael is so very upset by it all. Molly and Michael are best buds. They go everywhere almost together and they make each other so happy just by being there for each other. I usually have the most loving when it came to our dogs but I think it was because I gave them treats. Except when it came to Molly, she is so close to Michael words can’t even describe what I am trying to say. Now that she is sick they are even closer if that is even possible. Which makes my heart hurt even more. But the last few days she seems to be doing better. She isn’t coughing as much, she got her appetite back and is sleeping much better. Yea!!!
It sure makes me smile. She loves snow and I just loved watching her lick the snow and even lay in it. I am remaining positive and praying for her to heal. Myron Jones gave me a bottle of Holy Water his sister gave him and Michael and I blessed her with it and she is honestly feeling better. The vet is going to x ray her again on Monday to see if the tumor is getting smaller. I believe it is. My heart is singing. Pastor Blauser started working here the first of the January and boy oh boy do I love him. He is terrific. We are so blessed. If anyone wants to talk to him in his office here or on the phone, all they have to do is call here, 724 981-2050 and we can schedule a day and time. He has Wednesday off from being in the office but works from home.
I can understand that, when Michael helps me put the newsletter together, we do it from home and boy is that nice. I can’t explain it but it is so relaxing. Maybe we’ll do this February newsletter from home, maybe.
So how blessed can I get. Let me recap where I am coming from…first of all, it snowed, then it is my favorite month, February, then we have been blessed with a wonderful Pastor, then the best of all, Molly is feeling much better. Yea!!! Again! What more could I ask for. Oh it happens to be Valentine’s day, my favorite holiday. Who could ask for more, not me. If I could only understand this new computer that Chuck Foltz so kindly gave the church when my old one crashed. Every day is a new adventure with this machine and everyday I think I understand one more new thing about it. Maybe just every other day. Ha! Ha! On the cover of this newsletter it says…Smile Jesus love You and never forget how much God loves you…please everyone, never forget those two statements. Because with the Lord by our side, we can attain anything and handle anything. Please never forget that, I know I sure won’t. So on Valentine’s day don’t forget to put a smile on someone’s face along with a warm feeling in their heart because you care.
Happy Valentine’s Day,
The Law Of Attraction
By Marianne Baum
“Every minute someone leaves this world behind. Age has nothing to do with it.
We are all in “the line” without knowing it.
We never know how many people
are before us.
We can not move to the back of the line.
We can not step out of the line.
We can not avoid the line.
So while we wait in line:
Make moments count.
Make priorities.
Make the time.
Make your gifts known.
Make a nobody feel like a somebody.
Make your voice heard.
Make the small things big.
Make someone smile.
Make the change.
Make love.
Make up.
Make peace.
Make sure to tell your people they are loved.
Make sure to have no regrets.
Make sure you are ready…”
Given to us by
Melinda Vellente and so worth reading and so very true. Thank you Melinda.
Something else given to me but this time it is from Mike Boldish quoted from
Pope Francis
Rivers do not drink their own water;
Trees do not eat their own fruit;
The sun does not shine on itself
And flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.
Living for others is a rule of nature.
We are all born to help each other.
No matter how difficult it is…
Life is good when you are happy;
But much better when others are happy because of you.