*Standard and Altar Shelf – 2022
We offer beautiful Flower Memorials to remember a loved one, honor a person, event or whatever you wish to acknowledge. The charts are posted on the wall in the narthex. They are only $15.00 and so beautiful!
The Christmas Hat & Mitten Tree will be up on November 6th for Bethesda Children’s Home. The age group of boys and girls for receiving hats, mittens and any other new clothing are 12 to 18 years old. What a unique way to share our blessings with these special children. Please put your donations in the box under the Christmas tree or on one of the branches. Let’s fill the branches and the box up and once again put big smiles on the children’s faces at Bethesda this holiday season.
PS: The tree is up on November 6th because Bethesda needs the gifts by the early part of December so they can determine who gets what gift for Christmas. We want to thank Dorothy Slezak for making preparations with Bethesda to get our gifts in a timely manner. We are so blessed to have her.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to What lies within us.
We will be celebrating Reformation Sunday on October 30st. Please be sure to “wear red” the traditional color for Reformation Sunday and come celebrate with us. Being a “Christian” is very important to our very existence. In fact, it is the reason for our existence.
“Reformation Sunday” is celebrated because Martin Luther knew what was being told to us Christians wasn’t correct. He realized that we are all saved by grace. We are saved by God’s grace to us because He loves us and gave His only begotten son to die for us. We are saved by grace and reformed by Martin Luther.
“A mighty fortress is our God!”
Who Needs to Be Freed?
Martin Luther disliked the idea that adherents to his ideas would call themselves “Lutherans,” preferring the term “Christians” instead. Luther wanted the focus to be on what Christ had done, not on what he had done. So perhaps Luther would be distressed to see so many faithful people not only calling themselves Lutherans five centuries later, but also celebrating Reformation Sunday as a church holiday! Lucky for Luther, the focus of Reformation Sunday is not on Luther’s writings or accomplishments but on the freedom in Christ that is at the heart of the gospel message.
In the text John 8:31-36l, Jesus’ audience also quibbled over terminology. When Jesus told them, “The truth will make you free” (John 8:32), they were suspicious about what exactly he meant by “free.” They rejected any implication that they or their ancestors might previously have been slaves in need of being set free. However, Jesus wasn’t talking about politics or history. He was referring to a kind of slavery that transcends context: the slavery of sin. All people have been enslaved by sin, and all people need God’s mercy. We are bound by the individual sin of personal choices and by the societal sin of complex systems that are beyond any one person’s control.
The weight of all that sin can feel crushing, but at the heart of the Reformation message is the truth that, through Christ’s death and resurrection, God has already offered us unconditional forgiveness for all our sins, no matter how heavy. We don’t need to earn God’s mercy because it is a gift offered without reservation or requirement. God’s grace is given to us for free and to make us free. Thanks be to God, the chains are gone! That is the good news at the heart of Luther’s teachings, and it is the good news at the heart of our celebration on Reformation Sunday and every day.
Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress.
The children just love getting dressed up in their favorite costume then getting their trick or treat bag and going door to door and receiving candy. What a really fun time for them and the neighbors giving the candy out and admiring their special costumes. Happy Halloween!
PS It was one of my favorite holidays that is for sure. I remember, my brothers always got more candy than I did, but to me I had a ton and was perfectly happy with my bag full. We had neighbors who always made us extra special trick or treat bags and boy were they wonderful.
Those of us who don’t have young children have grand memories and parents of today are making them. Life is so good!!!
Salvation Army is in need of “Bell Ringers” to ring the bell for 2hour shifts. Please consider helping this worthwhile organization. Call them for time schedules at 724 347-5537.
Volunteer bell ringers are the difference between an empty kettle and one that raises the funds that sustain the help we give all year long. The Salvation Army relies on money raised in red kettles to serve more than 25 million people in need each year.
We will be blessing animals this year on Saturday October 1st at 10:00am in our pavilion. Ron Tomko and Sandy Kimmel will be presiding over this very special event. So please bring your pet or pets that are such an important part of your family and have them blessed with God’s love and ours. Kindly be sure pets are leashed. Thank You
Francis of Assisi, renewer of the church, was born 1182 and died 1226AD.
Born into the family of a wealthy merchant, Francis gave up his inheritance to serve poor people. He formed the Order of Friars Minor (called Franciscans), who took on poverty and the task of preaching “using words if necessary.” Francis had a spirit of gratitude for all of God’s creation.
St. Francis was a remarkable man and is renowned for his love of animals. It is believed that once he even preached a sermon to a field of sparrows. He told the birds how lucky they were that God had made them to fly and that they always had feathers for clothing and that God had given them beautiful rivers and streams for water, and tall trees in which to nest.
Dear Lord, in your love you created us in your image and made us stewards of the animals that live on earth. Bless us in our care for our pets and protect them and guard them and us from all evil, now and Forever. Amen.
Dorcas News
Dorcas meeting was held Monday Sept. 19, 2022 at 7pm following our welcome back picnic. Nine members and 1 guest attended. Ruth Klein gave devotions and prayers were offered for members Shirley faber, Joanne Gerda and Mary Sobey. Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Minutes were read and approved.
In Old Business: The rummage sale was a great success. Thank you to all who helped in any way. Kathy & Chuck Long took leftover items to various charities including Hope Ministries, Warren Family Mission, The Meragerie. Clothes were also taken to an American Legion in Ohio that sent them to Kentucky to aid flood victims. Kathy also reported she was finally able to purchase 2 of the Stop the Bleed kits. QA representative from Mercy Health will give a presentation on the correct use of the kits. All members of the congregation are invited to attend. The date is Oct. 26 at 4pm. More information is forthcoming.
In New Business: Dorcas will be sending a donation to Ukraine through the Lutheran Disaster Response. The Dorcas Christmas Party will be December 4th at 4pm at the Sharon American Legion. More information to follow. The time for the October meeting has been changed to 12:00noon on Monday October 17, 2022. Hostess will be Marlene Stebelsky and Karen Borden will give devotions.
Ruth Klein made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Sandy Kimpan. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully Submitted
Melinda Vellente
We are pleased to announce that the camera club will be using our fellowship hall. They will be meeting the first and third Tuesday of the month beginning on September 6, 2022 from 6:30pm until 9pm. The following is the schedule for October, November and December 2022.
Oct. 4-Macro
Oct. 18-Leading Lines
Nov. 1- -Bugs & Insects
Nov. 15-Birds
Dec. 6 Naturally Framed Picture
(framed within composition)
Dec. 20-Christmas Party/ No Competition
“Happy New Year 2023!
Jan. 3-Best Shot #2
Jan. 17-Nostalgia
Rest of schedule will follow next month.
Again, our most genuine welcome to Camera Club! We are so glad to be able to provide a nice place to meet. We heard through the grapevine that they welcome all who want to learn how to Smile for the camera! Which means new members are welcome to join.
Our Deepest Sympathy…
We wish to express our sympathy to the Antel Family at the loss of their mother/grandmother/great grandmother.
Elva was born on January 13th, 1922 and the Lord took her home on September 7, 2022. Elva was 100 years old. Her son is James Antel and his wife, Diane, her grandson is James Antel and his wife Jill, her granddaughter is Jayne Kornbau and her husband Matthew and Elva had five great grandchildren. They are Alyssa & Astyn Antel and Maeli, Mira and Kyler Kornbau. May our Lord comfort Elva’s family and give them the peace that only He can give.
When you remember me, it means you have carried something of who I am with you, that I have left some mark of who I am on who you are. It means that you can summon me back to your mind even though countless years and miles may stand between us. It means that if we meet again, you will know me. It means that even after I die, you can still see my face and hear my voice and speak to me in your heart.
Frederick Buechner
This came to us from Jeff Bindas and I thought it was worth repeating. Thank you Jeff for sharing.
A Request from the “News Desk”
Church groups and individuals with information about activities or personal achievements are welcome to submit them to the Church Office. Our readers are interested in the happenings in our church and in the lives of our congregation.
Please have articles for the November Dorcaszette in the church office by
October 18th.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office during normal business hours. 724 981-2050
9:00am to 3:00pm
Thank you
We have a message from Myron Jones…he is requesting that people who have Loved Ones buried in our cemetery and have flowers etc. on gravesites to please remove them for winter. We don’t know what kind of winter we will be having. Winter winds can be very strong which would blow gravesite items everywhere. Thank you for your kind consideration with this matter.
Thanks to all our members we are continuing to collect items for them. And Stephanie Banjak has been kind enough to take our gifts to them. As soon as she sees the bin getting full, off she goes to Joshua’s and delivers your donations. Thank you to all our members who donate and thank you to Stephanie who delivers it all. It takes a village!
We would like to thank Chuck Foltz for maintaining our website. If you haven’t gotten to explore our 2022 Holy Trinity site yet, please make the time to see all that our website has. All you have to do is go to www.holytrinityhermitage.com and see what we mean. Chuck also live streams our worship service on Facebook every Sunday and he also helps Denise and Jayne with Sunday School. Thanks so much Chuck you are so very much appreciated and needed.
This is a necessary repeat, please read.
What if there’s an emergency at the church? Say a small fire starts…Do we know where the fire extinguishers are located, for example. So, in the unlikely chance that there’s a fire, there are two fire extinguishers in the corners of the Fellowship Hall, one by the boiler room door and one by the entrance way, where the lite little tree is. There is a small silver one hanging on the white pillar next to the small white sink in the kitchen. Upstairs there is one hanging at the top of the stairs that go up to the balcony. Another one is outside the lady’s restroom and there is a first-aid kit hanging on the side of the wooden cabinet in the kitchen. We also have a lifesaving machine called an AED Defibrillator that is used if someone should have heart problems. Cynthia Kapusta is the person who is knowledgeable on how it is used and makes periodic checks to make sure it is good to go if needed. We have the Defibrillator mounted on the wall in the fellowship hall. She also is trained in the Heimlich maneuver, which she has shown to the Dorcas ladies. An important maneuver to know should anyone be chocking. We want to thank Cynthia so very much for helping to keep us safe. So, the next time you’re in the church look for these and for the EXIT signs above the doors, just in case. Thank You
October Sunday School News
It’s great to be back at Sunday School! We kicked off the new year with our Rally Day party. The food was delicious and it was fun to see our friends again. We painted birdhouses, played games, had a scavenger hunt, and tossed water balloons (some of us dropped more than we caught, haha)
Thank you to all the members of the congregation that joined us for lunch and helped us to celebrate.
This year we have 18 children in our One Room Sunday School (pre school – 5th grade) and we have one new student. Kyler Kornbau is joining us for his first year! Welcome Kyler! Ron Tomko has six students in his 6th grade class.
The focus of our new curriculum is to connect the older and younger students and provide the older ones with opportunities to mentor the younger ones. We’re going to have a fantastic year!
Our Fall/Halloween party is scheduled for Sunday, October 30th. We don’t know our exact plans yet, but whatever we do we will have fun!!
Joyfully in Christ,
All of the Sunday School teachers
We have some great news…
Our church voted by ballot to share a Pastor with Christ Lutheran and our congregation voted 44-5 to indeed share a Pastor. Now all we need is a Pastor. We can only pray and wait for our prayers to be answered. Patience is a virtue sayth the Lord. So, we will be patient.
We have more good news, Barry Kimmel is leading another Bible Study group this year. They will be held on Wednesday’s at 11am in the parlor starting Oct. 5 and like always, everyone is welcome to join him.
“Pumpkin Sheet Cake”
1 ½ cups. Oil
2 cups sugar
2 cups pumpkin or small can of pumpkin (16 oz.)
4 eggs
1 tsp. of vanilla
Mix all together
Then add:
2 cups of flour
½ tsp. of salt
2 tsp. baking soda
3 tsp. of baking powder
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup chopped nuts
Bake 350 degrees for 30 minutes
8 oz. cream cheese
¼ cup of oleo
2 cups of powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Cream together and put on the cooled cake.
(Both easy and delicious… what a great combo!)
A few words from Patty…
Yesterday I went to our “Rally Day” and I can honestly say it was a fun, rallying time. The children were enjoying being together. Some of them were exploring. Some were running around smiles on their little faces with a feeling of being free and like being home. How wonderful is that! Moms and Dads were visiting with each other finding out the most recent happenings in each other’s lives. People like me were visiting with other members and loving every minute of it. Some guys were talking football and you get the idea…everyone just enjoying themselves. What a happy day. Even Marlene Sypolt came. She came all the way from Pittsburgh to share with us our Rally Day. What a wonderful surprise that was. She looks so happy and everyone is so happy for her. What a blessing to have her join us. I don’t have the special words to describe how I felt. How everyone else felt but it was sure awesome. Denise Germani, Jayne Kornbau and all those involved honored the children, our members, and all those in attendance. Thank You all so much.
On another subject, our own Mary Sobey accidently broke her leg in two places. Mary is 101 years old and caused us all much concern but our prayers, her fortitude and God’s will prevailed. She went through surgery just fine and is now healing at Nugent’s Homes-Room 8 if you’d like to send her a card or maybe even go visit her. Your prayers are always needed, and I can’t wait to hear her contagious laughter when she is here helping the Dorcas. I am looking forward to laughing with her from my office at I don’t even know what, just know it is funny. Heal quickly Mary…we miss you!
We received a request from a Christ Lutheran member. Apparently they have two (2) printers, two (2) window air conditioners and a coffee maker that they would like to donate to someone in need. If you know of an organization or person that would be in need of any, or all, of these items, please call Monica in the church office at 724 981-2070. She will be happy to help you.
Stop the Bleed…our Dorcas is hosting this meanningful program on Oct. 26 at 4pm.There is a flyer enclosed in this newsletter with more info. If you are planning on attending please call the office or Kathy Long, so they know how many are coming. Thank You
Guess What!!! our Dorcas Ladies are going to sell Philadelphia Christmas Candy again this year. Yummy chocolate candy from a wonderful chocolateer right here in our valley. So get your Christmas list ready and we will be announcing more details in the November newsletter.
Halloween is a fun time for kids, but with pumpkin carving, costumes with pointy accessories and playtime around after dark, parents need to be attentive to safety. Here are some tips for an enjoyable and safe Halloween this year.
Pumpkin Carving
Everyone loves pumpkins this time of year, and children really enjoy making jack-o’-lanterns. But remember these safety tips when your family gets together to create pumpkin decorations for Halloween.
- Don’t let small children carve pumpkins. They can draw a face with markers, and you can use the sharp objects.
- Consider using a flashlight or glow stick instead of a candle to light your pumpkin. If you do use a candle, a votive candle is safest.
Safe Trick-or-Treating
When making your children’s Halloween plans, remember these holiday safety tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
- Avoid masks, which can obstruct a child’s vision.
- If your child’s costume calls for makeup, look for non-toxic, hypoallergenic kits. Costumes should be flame-retardant and fit properly.
- Avoid oversized shoes, high heels and long skirts or pants that could cause a child to fall.
- Children trick-or-treating after dusk should have reflective tape on their costumes and carry flashlights.
- Children shouldn’t snack while they’re trick-or-treating.
- Check all treats at home for signs of tampering, such as small pinholes in wrappers and torn or loose packaging.
Safe Halloween Hosting
No one wants to create bad memories for the kids on Halloween, so safety is a priority on this night for the whole neighborhood. Don’t forget to do your part.
- Keep sidewalks and walkways clear: Make sure any hazardous obstacles, such as a garden hose or lawn decorations, are put safely away.
- Check all outside lights and replace any that are burned out.
- Again, consider using battery-powered candles or glow sticks for carved pumpkins.
- If you do use real candles, make sure they are kept away from the areas where trick-or-treaters will be walking or standing.
- Secure all Halloween decorations. You don’t want them to come loose and injure someone.
- If you’re planning a rather gruesome Halloween display, you may want to post warning signs to give very young or easily scared children a heads-up.
- Only give out kid-friendly treats. Items should be pre-packaged and big enough so they don’t pose a choking hazard to small children.
Did you happen to see the calendar of events for the month of October? If you did, I am sure you noticed that we are starting to have Choir Practice every Wednesday at 6pm. If you would like to join them, please just come on Wednesday at 6pm. James Vasconi our Music Director will be so happy to have your voice singing along with the rest of the choir. So, mark your calendar and join them.
Aside from making you feel good, laughter is good for you.
Laughter exercises the lungs, stimulates the circulatory system and exercises your breathing muscles.
Laughter increases oxygen in the blood, and this benefits your entire cardiovascular system.
During laughter, the chest, abdomen and face get a vigorous workout.
It has been scientifically proven that laughter increases relaxation. As laughter subsides, so too does tension, until it is significantly lower than before laughter began. So, go ahead, laugh.
It’s good for you!
Something else that makes everyone happy is a “smile.” When you smile at a person, they smile back and it becomes infectious, in the most wonderful way.
it every
Jesus Calling
By Sarah Young
Let my presence override everything you experience. Like a luminous veil of Light, I hover over you and everything around you. I am training you to stay conscious of Me in each situation you encounter.
When the patriarch Jacob ran away from his enraged brother, he went to sleep on a stone pillow in a land that seemed desolate. But after dreaming about heaven and angels and promises of my Presence, he awoke and exclaimed: “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” His discovery was not only for him but for all who seek Me. Whenever you feel distant from Me, say, “Surely the Lord is in this place!” then ask Me to give you awareness of My Presence. This is a prayer that I delight to answer.
Psalm 31:20; Genesis 28:11-16
Thank you, Karen, this is great!!!
Martin Luther’s Seal
The first thing in his seal is a black cross within the red heart, to remind us that faith in Christ crucified saves us….This heart is set on the center of a white rose to show that faith causes joy, comfort and peace. This rose is set in a sky-colored background to show that such joy of faith in the spirit is but a promise and beginning of heavenly joy to come. Around this background is a ring to show that such happiness in heaven is endless.
PS: I was ask about Martin Luther’s Seal and drew a blank. So, I decided to reprint the above for all of our information. Wasn’t he amazing? I continue to be so very impressed by him and so proud to be a Lutheran.
Martin Luther’s Evening Prayer
(one of his favorites)
If you are interested, Stephen Banjak made a booklet of Martin Luther’s favorite prayer and you are welcome to take one for yourself to read daily. They are on the table in the back of the church. They are a gold color, you can’t miss them. Please help yourself.
We will be celebrating Reformation Sunday on October 30th this year. Please be sure to wear red the traditional color for Reformation Sunday and come celebrate with your church family. I remember one year after telling everyone over and over to wear red, I came to church…no red…I forgot. Boy was I embarrassed.
A father wanted to read a magazine but was being bothered by his little girl. She wanted to know what the United States looked like. Finally, he tore a sheet out of his new magazine on which was printed the map of the country. Tearing it into small pieces, he gave it to her and said, ‘Go into the other room and see if you can put this together.’ After a few minutes, she returned and handed him the map, correctly fitted and taped together. The father was surprised and asked how she had finished so quickly. ‘Oh,’ she said, ‘on the other side of the paper is a picture of Jesus.
When I got all of Jesus back where He belonged, then our country just came together.
Noble Cause to Accompany our Reformation Service
On October 30
Barb and Jeff Noble have been singing together since they were married in 2006. They use the gifts God has given them to share His love and His Word to His people. They sing a variety of genres including hymns, gospel, classic country, show tunes, original music and more.
We are blessed to have them accompany us in singing our hymns, as well as sing for us, on October 30 in celebration of Reformation Sunday.
We commemorate the day when a German Monk named Martin Luther, on October 31, 1517 posted a list of 95 Theses – 95 reasons that he objected to the practice of selling indulgences. Along with other writings by Luther, those 95 Reasons went viral and became the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
We look forward to, and thank Noble Cause, for the opportunity to join with us in worshipping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ this Reformation Sunday. Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us on this significant day.
How to Plant your garden…given to us for publication from Jean Braho Collinson, who lives in Sequim, Washington State. Thanks Jean the following is so worth reading & living by.
Life is too short for drama,
laugh insanely, love truly and
forgive quickly.
How to Plant Your Garden
For the garden of your daily living…
Peace of mind
Peace of heart
Peace of soul
Squash gossip
Squash indifference
Squash grumbling
Squash selfishness
Lettuce be faithful
Lettuce be kind
Lettuce be patient
Lettuce really love one another
Turnip for meetings
Turnip for service
Turnip to help one another
Thyme for each other
Thyme for family
Thyme for friends
Water freely with patience and cultivate with love. There is much fruit in your garden because you reap what you sow. ~Unknown