September Newsletter
A reminder from Dorcas…Please make any checks for Dorcas to “Holy Trinity Lutheran Church” the banks will not cash any checks that say Pay to the order of Dorcas on […]
A reminder from Dorcas…Please make any checks for Dorcas to “Holy Trinity Lutheran Church” the banks will not cash any checks that say Pay to the order of Dorcas on […]
Sunday School Rally DaySunday, September 18, 2022 Please help us celebrate the start of a new Sunday School year! After the 10:00 am worship service the congregation is invited to […]
Attention all Members!!! Your presence is requested on September 11th to have a formal congregational vote on whether to join forces with Christ Lutheran and share a Pastor. We have […]
Hope you enjoy our very interesting site. Have any questions or concerns, please call Chuck Foltz and he will gladly help you. If you have anything you would like posted […]
You may have noticed things are changing. We ran into some issues with our Web Site and had to reconstruct it. Please be patient while things are being put back […]